Under Christ, Metrocrest is committed to the authority, sufficiency, infallibility, and urgency of God's Word. 

Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

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Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

In learning English grammar, we learn basic rules like “i before e.” But then, once we have the rules mastered, we then are taught that there are all the exceptions to the rules, like “except after c, or when sounding like “a”, as in neighbor and weigh.” Some have wondered how Ecclesiastes fits in the Bible at all; but if we are honest, for many people, the same question fits when asking how God is in charge of anything at all. The world seems full of contradictions, exceptions, and frustrations. Ecclesiastes is an invitation to see the world most fully for what it is: God’s good creation, wounded by sin, full of joy and sadness, delight and despair, and that answers sometimes amount to sheer absurdity. As we long and look for the day when all absurdity is answered, we can draw comfort with a God who isn’t afraid to “go there” with us and acknowledge how messy and mixed up things really are.

Sermons from this Series

Dec 2


December 2, 2018

The End of the Matter

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:8–14 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Nov 25


November 25, 2018

Learning to Live

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:7– 12:7 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Nov 18


November 18, 2018

Risky Business

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:1–6 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Nov 11


November 11, 2018

Longing For Relief

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 8:10–17 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Nov 4


November 4, 2018

Folly, Wisdom, and Hope

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 7:8–14 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Oct 28


October 28, 2018

Complex Conversations about the Church

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:1–7 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Oct 21


October 21, 2018

The Oppression of Work

Passage: Ecclesiastes 4:1–16 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Oct 14


October 14, 2018

The Truth About Time

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1–15 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Oct 7


October 7, 2018

Chasing Labor

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:18–26 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Sep 30


September 30, 2018

What's the Point, Then?

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:12–17 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Sep 23


September 23, 2018

Testing Life's Pleasures

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 2:1–11 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Sep 16


September 16, 2018

Wisdom that Leaves Us Wanting

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:12–18 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity

Sep 9


September 9, 2018

An Invitation to the Weary

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:1–11 Series: Ecclesiastes: Answering Absurdity