Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry
Are Children's and Youth Ministries an outreach of mission and mercy? We think so! In all of our ministries to children and youth we are eager to share with each of them the good news that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15). For more information about our ministry to the next generation, click on these links: MPC Children's Ministry and MPC Youth Ministry.
Polser Elementary School
Over the years we have sought to serve the families of nearby Polser Elementary in various ways, including providing school supplies, Thanksgiving food baskets, and winter coats.
Youth Missions
One way we serve the next generation is by coming alongside them to show them how to serve others in Jesus' name. Our youth usually serve for one week each summer. We have served a variety of ways, including inner city mercy ministries in Houston, painting a diabled man's house in East Tennessee, and most recently serving in El Cacao, Honduras. Sometimes serving is better caught than taught, so youth mission trips help us put hands and feet to the truth that "we love because he first loved us" (1 John 4:19).