March 14, 2021

Snake! Boom! Wow!

Preacher: Zach Pummill Series: Stand Alone Sermons Passage: Acts 28:1–10

I. Why does Luke include this snake bite story at the end of Acts?

 - First, it's a sign of God's presence

 - Second, it's symbolic of what the entire book of Acts is about.

II. The invitation of the Great Commission reminds us that we are people of power. So how can we be a people of power in the suburbs?

 - We learn to trust God's sovereignty instead of trying to escape.

 - We remember that the gospel is for nice people too.

other sermons in this series

Dec 24


Made Like His Brothers

Preacher: Hayden Bernays Passage: Hebrews 2:10–18 Series: Stand Alone Sermons

Oct 6


Journey with the King

Preacher: Jerry Gibson Passage: John 4:1–42 Series: Stand Alone Sermons