Under Christ, Metrocrest is committed to the authority, sufficiency, infallibility, and urgency of God's Word. 

Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed

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Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed banner

Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed

In the church, to hold to a creed is to declare a summary of the most important, central truths of scripture. Beliefs laid out in the creedal statements of the church are the settled view of the entire church. They are core and foundational to the church. The Apostles’ Creed was the earliest distillation of the church’s essential belief. We want to dig in to the Scriptural depths of its tenets, and consider how these truths provide the very foundation of our life in God.

Sermons from this Series

Sep 3


September 3, 2017

The Life Everlasting

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Revelation 22:1–5 Series: Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed

Aug 27


August 27, 2017

The Resurrection of the Body

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:13– 5:11 Series: Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed

Aug 20


Aug 13


August 13, 2017

The Communion of the Saints

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Psalm 22:1, Psalm 22:22–31, Hebrews 2:10–18 Series: Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed

Aug 6


August 6, 2017

I Believe in the Holy Spirit

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 14:15–31 Series: Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed

Jul 16


Jul 9


Jun 25


Jun 11


June 11, 2017

I Believe...

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: Romans 10:8–11 Series: Belief: Faith Foundations in the Apostle’s Creed