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7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

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7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

"For every look at self—take ten looks at Christ! Live near to Jesus—and all things will appear little to you in comparison with eternal realities.” (McCheyne) How are we changed? Contrary to what we might think, it isn’t by dwelling on our sin. That doesn’t mean our sin is not of profound significance and consequence… but rather that the way we change is not by seeing how bad we are but how beautiful Christ is. In the Gospel of John, Jesus made seven statements where he said something about himself. He said “I AM.” Let’s listen to Jesus, gaze upon his beauty, and rejoice.

Sermons from this Series

May 27


May 27, 2018

I AM the Vine

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 15:1–17 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

May 20


May 20, 2018

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 14:1–14 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

May 13


May 13, 2018

I AM the Resurrection and the Life

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 11:1–44 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

Apr 29


April 29, 2018

I AM the Good Shepherd

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 10:11–21 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

Apr 22


April 22, 2018

I AM the Door

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 10:1–10 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

Apr 15


April 15, 2018

I AM the Light of the World

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 8:12–20 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus

Apr 8


April 8, 2018

I AM the Bread of Life

Preacher: David Ridenhour Passage: John 6:22–59 Series: 7 "I AM" Statements of Jesus